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Nov 25, 2020

The Pre-MCU Milestones arc continues as we ask the burning question: "Does this podcast need an enema?" Join the guys as they dive into 1989's Batman!

Nov 18, 2020

The Pre-MCU Milestones arc kicks off as the guys take a look at the first superhero movie of the modern era, Superman: The Movie!

Nov 11, 2020

Snap on your hat and get ready for the utter insanity of "LEGO Batman" as the guys finish up asking "Can an animated super-hero movie be as good – or better than! – their...

Nov 4, 2020

Toonmudgeon tackles the question of whether animated super-hero movies can be as good – or better than! – their live-action counterparts with the head-turning choice of "Despicable Me".